Health training is definitely the active process carried out by a person or a group of persons, to acquire expertise through studying or by directions, as well as develop abilities through repetitive behavior to be able to effect a change in attitudes as well as behaviors associated with the wellness of the people and of the community generally.

In day to day application, health training is any action aimed at motivating the person to change harmful health habits, increase understanding of the benefits of living a healthy lifestyle and promote healthy practices that lessen the possibility of getting sick.

Education presupposes practice as well as instruction. This is a ongoing procedure for training an individual from childhood to maturity. While health and avoidance of illness is a matter of personal decision, the responsibility of teaching the individual lies with the parents and also starts in your own home. It signifies that mothers and fathers should adopt child rearing procedures which foster healthy routines, ingrain the beliefs of hygiene as well as orderliness, and reinforce perceptions along with behaviors which promote health.

Health values include personal hygiene, a functional knowledge of how the human body functions, reproduction and the concept of reproductive health, physical fitness including exercising or partaking in sport activities, the productive use of recreation, of leisure time and avoidance of factors that can cause illness.

In adults, health training can be applied to team settings such as the importance of safety in the place of work, amount and quality of interpersonal interaction amongst peers as well as colleagues, creating recreational activities to enhance fitness, and even getting married and parenthood.

Although health training is strongly associated with sports, in recent years, it has progressed from being a personal issue to being a social activity. The broad scope of pursuits listed within its domain has progressively expanded to include hobbies, socialization, risk reduction and risk management in the workplace among others.

There are several causes of an individual to undertake health training. The first is enthusiasm, the interest of the person regarding health matters. It could emanate from a natural fear of getting sick or fear of the consequences derived from it. Another is the value that a person applies to the advantage of being healthy as against the cost of being sick. And thirdly, an occasion involving illness in the family or among friends and acquaintances may trigger a cue within the person to consider his own health issues.

Health training rewards everyone irrespective of demographical distinctions. The need to be fit and healthy starts with the individual. To achieve that goal, conscious effort must be taken to learn the basics of becoming fit by collecting information regarding fitness programs, seeking advices, consulting qualified instructors, visiting health training or recreation centers, and sticking to the regimen diligently and religiously.

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